
Flaccid Throat - A Global Problem

Every second man and every third woman snores, and there are one billion people with sleep apnea. This represents a global problem that burdens health and healthcare systems. The causes of throat flaccidity, which leads to snoring and breathing interruptions, are varied. The main reasons include obesity, stress, genetics, lifestyle, drugs, and medications.

World map

Snoring is Not Just Unsexy

Snoring originates in the throat area and is not currently considered a disease, although it should be. It is caused by the vibration of flaccid parts in the throat, producing the unpleasant noise. Severe snoring leads to physical reactions such as brain arousal responses and a slight decrease in oxygen levels.

Besides the physical impacts, snoring is often a major relationship issue, leading to separations and divorces.

The transition from snoring to sleep apnea, characterized by breathing interruptions, happens gradually, making sleep apnea even more insidious.

Sleep Apnea is a Stealthy Danger

Due to the flaccid throat, the airways are completely blocked during sleep, leading to a drop in blood oxygen levels. This alarms the brain, which releases adrenaline to increase heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse to stabilize the throat through increased blood flow.

Simultaneously, diaphragm movements attempt to draw air into the lungs. When the throat opens, the body inhales to increase the blood oxygen level.

The combination of oxygen deficiency, heart stress, and increased blood pressure leads to the serious long-term consequences of sleep apnea.

Short-term Problems

Daytime Sleepiness
Can lead to microsleep while driving.
Relationship Problems
Snoring disrupts not only your sleep.
Lack of Motivation
Leads to problems at work and in relationships.

Long-term Consequences

Heart Attack
Affects you for the rest of your life.
You could become a nursing case.
No further comment needed.

Proof of Effectiveness Provided

We have conducted two studies on the effectiveness of throat muscle training using the medical didgeridoo. Additionally, various studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of throat muscle training for treating snoring and sleep apnea, proving that this approach works.

Basic Research for Silent Sleep Training

After Alex Suarez's successful self-experiment, he was invited by the University of Zurich to co-author a study to verify if he was a unique case or if others could also benefit from his success. The first study, published in the British Medical Journal, proved that the positive effect on sleep apnea also occurs in other affected individuals with correct training.

Those Who Train, Succeed

The second study showed that correct training reduced the naturally occurring fat pads in the throats of the subjects by more than 40% and visibly strengthened the muscles. This connection between therapy and direct effect is rare in medicine and was described as "spectacular" by Prof. Dr. Puhan. Prof. Dr. Puhan summarized the results of both studies in a letter, emphasizing that those who follow the Silent Sleep Training as instructed will train their throat muscles and reduce sleep apnea.

Prof. Dr. Milo Puhan

Prof. Dr. Puhan was involved in the first study in 2005 and was the study leader for the second study. In this video, you can hear his opinion on Silent Sleep Training.

Diagnosis is Painless for Everyone

Fortunately, the diagnosis of sleep apnea is simple. It is made using polygraphy, which is conducted at home. You receive a polygraph device at home, such as the WatchPAT One that you wear overnight.

The WatchPAT One uploads the data to a secure cloud via your smartphone, and your doctor can evaluate the data. Depending on the doctor, the device is sent to you by mail, and you receive the diagnosis by phone, so you do not need to visit a doctor's office.