About Us

His Problem Led to the Solution for Many

Originally a trustee and corporate auditor, Alex Suarez later spent over 20 years as a martial arts instructor with his own school. When he was diagnosed with sleep apnea in his early 30s, he, like all patients, was given a CPAP machine and returned home.

Over the next 14 nights, he and his wife suffered from poor sleep because the devices were noisy and uncomfortable. Determined to make a change, he returned the device and told his doctor, 'Before I use this thing for the rest of my life, I'd rather die 20 years earlier.' He realized he had to take action and had his doctor explain exactly what the problem was. The realization was that relaxed muscles and connective tissue led to the breathing pauses.

Thanks to his experience as a martial arts instructor, he came up with the idea of ​​training his throat muscles. After unsuccessful attempts with various methods, he came across the Australian didgeridoo through a student. Inspired by the movements he had observed in his student, he experimented with a 'modified' didgeridoo. Although the throat movement did not have the desired effect, he noticed that the instrument generated slight air pressure and vibrations in the throat.

The idea matured that specific movements with a modified didgeridoo could have an effect. After contacting his doctor again, he agreed to measure Alex again in the sleep laboratory after his self-experiment. After three months of self-experimentation with his medical didgeridoo and his sleep apnea playing technique, the decisive measurement came. The morning after, Alex Suarez was discharged from the sleep laboratory as cured.

alex suarez

Analog to Digital

aron suarez

Aron Suarez had just turned 11 when his father was diagnosed with sleep apnea. It was a very strange sight for him to see his father with a CPAP mask. When his father began experimenting with a didgeridoo, it was naturally very exciting, and he wanted to learn too; that was his first encounter with his father's invention.

His interest has always been in technology and understanding how things work. Aron Suarez spent his career in software development, inadvertently acquiring the skills later necessary for the development of Silent Sleep Training.

After the second study, Alex Suarez approached his son and asked if he had any ideas on how they could make his solution accessible to many people. That was the starting point for the development of Silent Sleep Training.

Today, Aron Suarez is the CEO of the company behind Silent Sleep Training and has realized his father's vision through new technologies.


For All, Not Just a Few

Our goal is to make Silent Sleep Training accessible to all who need and want it, regardless of their social status or background. Everyone deserves restful sleep.

Family Business

The company behind Silent Sleep Training was founded by Alex Suarez. To realize his vision, he passed the project to his son Aron Suarez, who is making his father's vision a reality through new technologies.

Latest Technologies

Our aim is to always work with the best and latest technologies, as they allow us to be flexible and agile, bringing only benefits to our customers.


We always strive to provide the best possible support to help our customers achieve their personal goals.

SST History

Silent Sleep Training builds on 10 years of experience and several thousand patients.

Concept Development

Alex Suarez and his son Aron combined their experiences and developed a concept consisting of an app and a medical didgeridoo that had to be equipped with a microphone.


Prototype Development

The first prototype of the app and the new medical didgeridoo was developed, and initial tests were conducted with family and friends.


Starting Over

We found that the approach to the material of the medical didgeridoo was not working. We took the experience and developed a new prototype.



After determining what the product should be, work began on regulations, as Silent Sleep Training is a Class 1 medical device.


Market Launch

After completing the first production and all regulations, we started the market launch. Shortly after the market launch, the COVID-19 pandemic began.



The pandemic hit us hard because Silent Sleep Training cannot be used during acute respiratory illness.


Recovery Began

We used the time of the pandemic to work on the product and our internal processes.


The Restart

The project survived the tough times thanks to friends and family. We didn't let ourselves be discouraged and developed Silent Sleep Training in version 3. The instrument, packaging, and app were rebuilt from scratch. **We thank everyone involved from the bottom of our hearts for their support.**


Now Let's Go

In early 2024, version 3 of Silent Sleep Training will be launched, and we will make Silent Sleep Training accessible to all who want it.


Origin of Silent Sleep Training

The beginning of Silent Sleep Training was completely analog.

First Study

After Alex Suarez's successful self-experiment, he was asked by the University of Zurich if he would be willing to conduct a study as a co-author to see if he was a happy individual case or if others could also benefit from his success. The first study showed that the positive effect on sleep apnea also occurred in other affected individuals with correct training.


British Medical Journal

The study was published in the prestigious British Medical Journal and is considered a model study in professional circles due to its serious structure and conduct.


First Patients

After the publication, Alex Suarez began to share his knowledge with other affected individuals so that they too could find restful sleep.


World Sleep Apnea Congress in Seoul

Alex Suarez was invited to the World Sleep Apnea Congress in Seoul to present his therapy.


First Instructors

The first instructors were trained to make Alex Suarez's therapy accessible to more people.


Start of the Second Study

The goal of the second study was to find out what happens in the throat in patients who have been freed from sleep apnea. This was achieved with MRI recordings.


Completion of the Second Study

The second study shows that training with the therapy invented by Alex Suarez reduces fat pads by up to 40% and tightens connective tissue and builds muscle.


Fundamental Decision

Alex Suarez realized that the concept with instructors was not feasible with the masses of affected individuals. He knew that the future of his invention had to be digital. Here his son came into play, who had spent his previous career in software development. Alex Suarez conducted a pilot study with UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) to explore initial experiments in digital patient education.